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  • Writer's pictureDr. Patel

Don't Let Snow Slip Your Back!

It is that time of year once again, cold, crisp nights and of course precipitation. As the snow flakes come down and fall onto the ground, don't let your back do the same. Here are some tips to get you through the wintry weather!

- Always use your legs to do the majority of lifting when shoveling snow, it is important that when bending down and getting up you are not using the back but instead bend your knees to use your legs like performing a squat

- Keep your feet hip-width apart when shoveling

- Avoid any rotation of the torso when in a bent over position or when lifting the snow

- Save yourself from a shoulder injury by not throwing the snow into a pile but instead walking it over to where you want to make the pile

- It's not a race! Take plenty of breaks and be sure to stretch those muscles during your breaks and immediately after shoveling

- Wear boots that have plenty of traction to avoid slipping and if possible hold onto railings when there is a chance of black ice

- Don't forget to use salt

- Make sure to always have on multiple layers and cover your extremities!

- Lastly, Enjoy the Moment!, Avoid yellow spots!, and Make Snow Angels!

Please post any questions or great winter tips that you may have acquired over the years and stay safe!

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